Tuesday, March 24, 2009 ♥ 10:39 PM
Labels: testing for chinese words...
♥ 10:28 PM
Hello, actually, i have not been able to blog. Well...I lazii lah. I am going to blog those days that I had miss out. I am having lots of fun. I have oral today and i came back home real early. And I want to tell people that I dont like Bryan. I only have 唐宇哲 in my heart and thats all. Oh..and also a place for my future boyfriend. Hahas. I am really irritated by people that say I like Bryan or Bryan calling me sweetheart. Plz stop it lah. Very sickening leh. Do you think that 唐宇哲 is handsome?
唐宇哲 :)
Labels: 唐宇哲 is so 帅
Friday, March 20, 2009 ♥ 5:55 AM
Todae was really very fun! I went to the LEGO course and it was totally easy and fun. Later, a guy told me and my friend that teacher will treat us. After the course, I had a project to discuss after it. Then, one of the guy among the two guy asked me if i wanted to go for archery. I said no and he walked away. About a few steps the guy turned back and tell us that the teacher will treat us the next time. My friend went to GUZHENG and I waited for two of the members (A and Z) to come and meet me. I am so hungry that I went to the 7-11 to buy 3 'siew mai'. I sat at the bus waiting place until they call me and I went up. I found them and we went to my house. First, i gave them drink and then we watched TV until the another member(S) call us and we went to Boonlay Mrt Stn to bring her (S) to (A)'s house. We discuss until half way then the (A)'s maid gave us milo and egg bread-so delicious! Cool. After eating, we played until 'siao' like that. I laugh until I cnt stop. It would probably be a most unforgettable day. Maybe?
Labels: An unforgettable dae?
Thursday, March 19, 2009 ♥ 5:17 AM
Todae was a very good day! I wore P.E. I have a chinese remedial and I was late! Arh...Everybody look at me as I walk into the classroom. So embrassed. But luckily, there is still ppl that is more late than I do, so it is fine. Hahas. The chinese remedial is about "Journey to the west". I like this story so much. I also learn that buddhist came from India. Ltr, I have a english enrichment. It was so fun that it is about drama. Actually is about storytelling. The person tells us about the story of Macbeth which was so nice! Also, there is games to play. In groups, we did everything in 30 mins and got 16 points out of 18. So cool! It was all full marks except for one which I have forgotten what is that point. Then, it was time for the bonus. The storyteller told us that 5 person that get in front fast, will get a chance to do the bonus. One friend in my group, went out and was counted as on of the 5. I thought that my friend is going to do the bonus but then suddenly my group members told me go out. I was so shocked. I was so nervous that I will needed to present things...But luckily, I was just supposed to count the paper there and arranged properly and tell him how many there is and what colour. That's all! Easy...Pissy. We went to climenti central todae to buy the Odyssey of mind thingy. We went to KFC before buying the things. It was so fun. Todae was really a great day. Tomorrow still have to go out. To discuss the Geography project. Sianz..
Labels: Tiring but fun
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 ♥ 4:49 AM
Todae, another day of the course of D and T. It is so not fun. Very difficult! Very confusing...How? I actually wanted to get out of the thing but I cannot leave Chelsia alone although she already have andre. If I leave her, she will be the only girl. That will be so sad. Actually, these days, I am so happy but I am tired of going out everyday. I will get killed tomorrow as I have not help someone do do the thing. How? I have no time leh. So sad! Next time, if I had a bf, I would want him to visit my blog everydae so that he will know my feelings and what I like. Dear friends, if my bf nxt time ask ur what I want for birthdae or what am I thinking or feel, tell him to read my blog, Kae? Anyway, maybe I will not have bf nxt time?Labels: Another dae.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 ♥ 5:49 AM
Continueing from just now...The course was so difficult that all my brain cells is gone...and now that I am so tired! Todae...I took a snap of Chelsia and Andre. Hahas...Show your ltr. Tomorrow still have one more lesson to go...Sianz. I cut my hair yesterday! It was cut by my mum. Her cutting skills is real good. I wanted to post the pictures of me taken with Ashley but my computer is spoilt. Idiot computer! Stupid Computer.
Ling Yang and me...Bestie!
Chelsia and Andre...So sweet!Labels: Laughters...
Monday, March 16, 2009 ♥ 7:31 PM
Todae, Chelsia, Andre, Ling Yang and me went to the D and T course. I am so...bored. I am so happy that Chelsia and Andre was sitting together. Hahaz. Actually, I am indirectly telling that Chelsia and Andre was an item! Hahas. Alot of ppl here now and I am slacking.
♥ 6:31 PM
Todae, Ling Ling is so cute. She say I look like Ya Tou(which is not). nO time...I having D and T now. I will post again ltr. Chase on the next post at night!Labels: Post ltr...At night.
Saturday, March 14, 2009 ♥ 6:42 AM
Todae, I have odyssey of mind discussions...We went to my friend's house downstair to discuss...We had lots of fun. We played Mr Wolf, AEIOU and even true or dare. I was dared to make 5 dramatic poses...Arh...But that was quite fun actually. I had also dared my friends. We had also have a mini chit-chat todae. We discuss about who is compatible to who. Ashley was said compatible to Andre but I think is Huan Sen. Zhi Ting was said compatible to Jaoon and I agreed completely. Xin Lei was said compatible to Jun Ping but I think Gervais is better. As for me...I wont tell u. Try asking Xin Lei, Ashley or Zhi Ting lah. Only they will know. Hahas...thats for todae. Oh ya, btw, i had also add alot of friends in my facebook (just for the sake of pet society). Those who want to add me as friends, plz leave comments. Please leave your comments for every posts i have if u wished to. Bye!Labels: Play time
Friday, March 13, 2009 ♥ 4:21 AM
Today, I am going to say about NPCC! There is three guys from my class that had joined NPCC. They are supposed to stay back today for training. I saw one of the guy named Andre wearing a NPCC tee-shirt. Actually, I had saw him wearing it for twice and I am not surprised. But, I remembered the first time I saw him wearing NPCC tee-shirt, I wanted to take a picture of him in a serious mode. I wanted to take but he gave me a very irritated look...No should be serious and frustrated look. Hence, I dont wish to take anymore. At first, I wanted to take his photo so that I can threaten him or show ppl. His looking is quite average. Saying that he look average, but he has a GF! Shocked?! Nvm. I actually have high expectations of guys. Nth..to say le...Bb people! Miss my blog reader! hahas. Oh ya...btw, todae, some NPCCs from Nan Hua came to New Town.Labels: NPCC today
Thursday, March 12, 2009 ♥ 5:51 AM
Another day had passed and it is time for me to blog again. What to blog today? About my classmates. I had a friend named ashley boey. She is quite chio and cute. She always say that she has an ugly leg but, I dont think so. She always say that she only notice girls...But actually, she like a person before. She is a good friend.I had another friend named Chelsia. She is cute and she is my grandpa! She has a wife le...I wont tell you who but i am sure u know. She always like to call 'nu er' to ashley and she is in band. She has a good personality. I had also another friend named Clara. She is a very nice friend and she stand up for friend if you have trouble. She always like to say 'shit you'. She is quite humerous and she like to laugh. She has lots of friend in our school! She is a very supportive friend.Now, I am going to say about guys.I had a friend named Brendan. He is quite a good friend. He is only nice to some girls like " "-not going to tell. He is okay in studies. He is my primary school friend. Although, I dont quite know him, but he has give me quite good impression.I had a friend named Bryan. His nickname is gay. But actually, he is only acting gay? I dont know much about him but he is also a trust worthy friend. He likes to sit with girl during recess. So, people often think him as a gay. I think that he is just being more friendly to girl. Maybe?I had a friend named Huan Sen. He is quite good actually. But he is always acting like 'ah bengs'. From what I know and see, he is not a bad guy he seems to be. He is a trustable and a quite humerous and sometimes he will act cute. He may do actions that make u laugh too...I had also a friend named Yi Jun. He is a humerous and cute person. There is girl in my class that like him. He look quite average but he likes to open his eyes as wide as possible. He is like the most humerous person in our class. If you are in a bad mood, talking to him will maybe let your mood turns happy! Labels: and friends, friends
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ♥ 5:36 AM
Hello...ppl. It is blogging time! Here me speaking again. Today, what will I be saying? What your want to listen? Okae...Today, maybe I am going to say about the types of guy I like. 1) Must have big eyes.2) Must not wear spectacles (actually, wear spectacles also can but must have citeria 1.)3) Must be taller than me by 2cm.4) Must be handsome.5) Must have good personality.6) Must be funny-can make ppl laugh (not cold jokes).Thats all for now...maybe will have more? I dont know. But will have more ba? Hahas...I end this post like this...Cause really nth to say. Labels: Dont know what to write...Really.
Monday, March 9, 2009 ♥ 6:38 AM
Hellos...ppl. I am posting again...I promised that I will keep a regular practise to update my blog...I have two blog. One is combined with my sister and one is alone...I had also add my friend (ashley) as one of the admins. I am so happy and excited. In my life, this is my first time that I would ever create my blog and all those stuff. Now that I know, actually blog is not that difficult. It is quite easy to do but also confusing. I will share my unhappy and happiness in this blog. So...those who want to know my inner side, plz view my blog. Actually, who will want to know me better? Who will want to know my inner side? Who will want to know me even? I am so not pretty...not clever...and i am a total idiot and freakI promised that once you see me, you will faint. Not because i am pretty...Is because I am too ugly to be seen. Arg...i AM SO UGLY!Labels: Happy...happy. Haha...
Saturday, March 7, 2009 ♥ 11:05 PM
Hello...This is my first post and I wish that you will support me.